
Thursday, January 27, 2011

I drive a buick

It's true, I have the HONOR of driving a 2001 Buick LaSabre. This car was given to me and my brother when we went to college by my wonderful Grandma George. After Nathan graduated he was given another car, therefor leaving the beautiful blue buick to me. I live in Birmingham now with my wife and buick. My wife doesn't really like driving with my in the Buick, not because it isn't ridiculously nice outside, but due to the fact that she thinks its unsafe on the inside. You see. the buick has 219,000 miles and shakes when you really get her going. Ashley doesn't like that... I don't mind it at all, its like having a personal masseuse on your way to work! So one day on my way to work, with my personal masseuse running at full throttle... she slowly loses power and locks up on me.  I run through the possible reasons why this could be happening: gas? transmission?  coil springs? (I only thought of the last two because that is what the mechanic told me the last 23 trips to the shop). I knew it wasn't the gas  because i had recently filled up. So I was SURE  I wasn't out of gasoline. As i sat there pondering, a road side assistance truck pulls off the road and ask if I needed some gas, with out hesitating i said, "no sir, i just recently filled up, not sure what the problem is.." He said, "You sure you don't want any, i can top you off just to be safe." I responded with a quick "no thanks, its not the gas i don't think." So, off he went. Little did i know, after calling, waiting, paying and following a tow truck and sitting, listening, to the mechanic after a few hours, the results were in. I was out of gas.
When someone offers you help don't be so quick to dismiss their assistance. God sends people in our life to help shape us into who He wants us to be. Sometimes, though because that person isn't like us, or because they challenge us, or rub us the wrong way we don't take the time to hear what they are trying to say or receive the help they are trying to offer. Next time someone  comes into your life, give them a chance, listen to what they say,  God may being using them to speak truth into your life.

James 1:19 "Be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry."

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Thermos-

    Reminds me of this:

    There was an old man sitting on his porch watching the rain fall. Pretty soon the water was coming over the porch and into the house.

    The old man was still sitting there when a rescue boat came and the people on board said, "You can't stay here you have to come with us."

    The old man replied, "No, God will save me." So the boat left. A little while later the water was up to the second floor, and another rescue boat came, and again told the old man he had to come with them.

    The old man again replied, "God will save me." So the boat left him again.

    An hour later the water was up to the roof and a third rescue boat approached the old man, and tried to get him to come with them.

    Again the old man refused to leave stating that, "God will save him." So the boat left him again.

    Soon after, the man drowns and goes to heaven, and when he sees God he asks him, "Why didn't you save me?"

    God replied, "You dummy! I tried. I sent three boats after you!!"

    - Taylor
