
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

In-laws are coming over...

Moses ranks with the greatest men on the face of this planet! For many reasons:  Prince of Egypt even though he wasn't an Egyptian, the ten commandments, standing up to Pharaoh, being obedient to God through a burning bush,  leading an entire nation out of slavery, used by God to perform miracles. He was THE man in charge. Among all those accolades Moses also set the standard of how to treat your in-laws... and he set it high!
         We see in  Exodus 18 that Jethro, the father-in-law to Moses was coming in for a visit know where this is going. However, when Jethro arrived Moses greeted him with open arms and begin sharing  everything the Lord had been doing for the people of Israel.  Jethro listened intently and rejoiced and celebrated  the wonderful things the Lord was doing  through his son-in-law. I imagine Moses was feeling pretty good, having impressed his father-in-law, but this was only the beginning! The next day Moses was really going to make ol'l Jethro proud by taking the seat as the judge over all the people! Moses had Jethro in his pocket at this point!           
        However, that evening Jethro went up to Moses and began questioning  his leadership style and his approach as judge, he flat out told Moses he was doing it all wrong. My first reaction:  Look here, pops I was called by God not you! I was called to lead these people and that is what I'm doing. You can't imagine being in this position! I appreciate you coming but please don't tell me how to do my job! Moses' first reaction: Exodus 18:24  "Moses listened to his father-in-law and did everything he said." 
        As a newly married man, I'm am  learning what it means to have in-laws. And I pray I will be humble enough to listen to their wisdom and instruction like Moses. I pray I will honor them in my actions and respect them with my words.  I am  extremely blessed to have wonderful in-laws that are so loving, selfless, gentle, giving, respectful, and fun to be with.  I pray I will be able to show them everything they have shown me.  Honor your in-laws and show them the respect they deserve

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